Aperture: This is how large the hole/opening of the lens is. The larger the hole, the more light can get inside and hit the sensor.
Shutter speed: Determines how long the lens is open for. The longer shutter speed, the longer the lens is open for and the more light can get inside.
ISO: This adjusts how sensitive the camera sensor is to light. The more sensitive it is, the less light is needed in order to capture a decent exposure.
Today, we will look at ISO. The ISO setting sounds complicated but it is probably the easiest setting to understand. Quite simply, it makes your camera more or less sensitive to light. Almost every camera, whether they are DSLRs or compact cameras, allow you to adjust the ISO.
Example: You are at a party and the room is dark. You click the shutter and see that the photo is dark or it’s bright but is blurry.
Why is it blurry?