Suffice to say, I love taking photographs!
People often think “it’s OK for you, you have a fancy DSLR camera. What about those of us who don't have a big camera?”. Well the truth is, most of the photos I take on a daily basis are with my iPhone. You don't need a fancy camera in order to take good photographs. We’ve all become used to seeing poor quality photographs taken with mobile and dismiss it as 'just a mobile photo' when the truth is, mobile cameras today are better than the point and shoot cameras we all carried around with us a few years ago. A poor mobile photo is more likely to do with us than the camera we are using.
Good light is one of the most important factors and then comes technique when using a mobile. You wouldn’t see a professional photographer taking photographs in a poorly lit area using their DSLR in one hand only and waving it around clicking away. Every time you take a photo with your mobile, treat it like a DSLR and you will get better looking photos.
All these photos were taken with my iPhone 5S (Click on the image to see them full screen, plus there is a photo for Sherlock fans):
Here are some things to try when you next take photos with your mobile:
- Find good light for your subject. It’s not always possible to move the subject but if you can find a window or a nicely lit area.
- Get a good stance and hold the phone with two hands like you would with a normal camera. Don't rush it.
- Tap on the screen to focus on your subject. Also, most cameras allow you to adjust your exposure by sliding up and down accordingly.
- Most mobiles allow you to use the volume button as a shutter button. You can also see the timer.
- Edit the photo afterwards. There are 100s of good editing apps that allow you to brighten up the shadow areas, decreases the bright highlights add contrast, detail etc.
- Learn the functions of your mobile. Don;t be on of those people who just point, jab the screen shutter button and are done.
Practice! It's free and you can practice all the time. It will make a huge difference. Now snap away!